Monday, March 2, 2009

Budget Help--IFAS Entry

As you all know, Friday (March 6th) is the final day for budget request information to be entered into IFAS. Specifically, you must enter your 09/10 and 10/11 expenditure requests and revenue estimates, and 08/09 fiscal year end revenue and expenditure projections.

We understand the work involved in doing this and want to help you as much as we possibly can. We will be continuing budget labs beginning at 9:00 am on both Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at the RLS. During this time you may come and work on entering your budget information and seek assistance with any questions or concerns you may have. Leslie Erickson in Finance is keeping the budget lab schedule, so please check with her about the availability of lab slots during these days (ext. 7845).

In addition, as always please feel free to contact a Budget Team member or appropriate Finance Liaisons with any questions as we move forward in the budget process.

Thank you.

Budget Team

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