Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Budget Builders,

This blog post contains very important information you will need to prepare your budgets. Please read carefully!

1. The Fleet Rental Rates have been calculated for FY 09/10 and 10/11 and can be accessed here: P:\Budget Process Information\2009-11\09-11 Equip Rates by Dept.xls.

2. In addition, there have been some revisions to the Short Term Lease Rates shown on page 30 of your budget manual. Please replace that table with the one below:

Pool vehicle type----------Description-----------------------------Hourly---- Daily------Weekly----Monthly
N/C-------------------FLEET FLEET COURTESY VEHICLE----------- No Charge-----------
P/U-F/S--------------PICKUP TRUCK - FULL SIZE---- 4.78-----38.27---- 191.33--- 765.31
SED-COMP HY-------SEDAN - COMPACT HYBRID----- 2.62---- 20.93--- 104.65--- 418.59
SEDAN-F/S-----------SEDAN - FULL SIZE--------------4.08---- 32.65--- 163.27--- 653.10
VAN-F/S PASS -------VAN - FULL SIZE PASSENGER---3.46---- 27.69----138.45--- 553.80
VAN-MINI PAS-------VAN - MINIVAN PASSENGER----4.04---- 32.33--- 161.65--- 646.58

3. For those of you who have property tax expense in your budgets, individual departments will be responsible for entering their own property tax expenditure budgets (objects 54601 and 53102). A good rule of thumb would be to increase the previous year expenditures by 2% plus an amount for any new acquisitions.

4. The Fund Balance Worksheet is located at P:\Budget Process Information\2009-11\Fund Balance Worksheet.xls. This worksheet contains 6/30/08 fund balance information for various funding sources often used in capital projects and maintenance of various districts that we thought might be helpful (no enterprise funds though). It is not yet a complete listing citywide, but what is here should be helpful to some of you.

On the worksheets, the first column indicates the fund's current budget information which includes all FY08-09 budgeted project costs/expenditures against the fund. In some instances, these costs also include the projected project costs in the “out” years of the Five-Year CIP (as presented in the FY07-09 Budget document). The second column is for your use if you wish. You may enter what you believe would be projected revenue and expenditures for this year and onward to come up with ending fund balance at the end of the upcoming two year budget cycle.

Thank you!
Budget Team

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